Scientific and cultural center BOTANICAL GARDEN

After long expectations and the final renovation of the Botanical Garden of the PMF, soon after, in 2018, our cooperation with the Botanical Garden/PMF began in the projects that were supported by the City of Skopje for two years in the project “From the center to the periphery: culture as a tool for social development” “.

In this way, we started with the creation and realization of cultural projects for education and promotion of botany and ecology and promotion of the first and only Botanical Garden in Skopje.


As a result of our botanical mission, in 2019 this project was supported by the Slovak Embassy and the Slovak Development Agency SLOVAK AID. In partnership with PMF/Botanic Garden and the Slovak donation, we reconstructed the small greenhouse for planting plants. We also organized botanical workshops for members of the Slovak Embassy and for children.


The project Scientific and Cultural Center BOTANICAL GARDEN was officially presented at the Slovak Embassy in the Republic of Macedonia by Ambassador H.E.

Henrik Markus in front of a delegation from the Slovak Republic under the leadership of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the OSCE / 2019, HE Miroslav Lajčak. We are honored to have had the opportunity to present the project to Minister Lajcak and personally lay the first stone of the BOTANICAL GARDEN mosaic.

About our project BOTANICAL GARDEN:

The project Scientific and Cultural Center BOTANICAL GARDEN is dedicated to the BOTANICAL GARDEN as a scientific and cultural core for scientific research, biodiversity protection, education, workshops, culture. 


The whole action actually started in 2013, with our idea to build a Botanical Garden in the ZOO. Research on the Botanical Garden that already existed at the PMF said that the completely ruined garden was thrown into oblivion.

The series of consultations we did with experts from the Natural Science Museum and architects, the series of planning for this project, prepared us for the next step, which is the preparation of the project Scientific and Cultural Center BOTANICAL GARDEN – butterfly reserve.


We prepared a complete project with a technical report from the field of construction and biology, which involved experts-architect Trajko Trajkovski, biologist from the Natural Science Museum – Dr. Vladimir Krpach, and our NATURE EXPEDITION team, as the creator of the project idea.

After several consultations with the experts, we envisioned the project for the new Botanical Garden to be located within the ZOO for several reasons: the attractiveness of the location, the socio-educational context of the ZOO, accessibility, relevance… The project was delivered to the City of Skopje, consultations with the City of Skopje followed again.


The action was launched, an expert team from the City of Skopje reviewed the project and started planning activities in consultation with the expert from the Natural Science Museum Dr. Vladimir Krpach. Unfortunately, this project has been stopped for now.

But with our project Scientific and Cultural Center BOTANICAL GARDEN, in parallel, the voice was raised for the Botanical Garden of PMF, which at that time (2013) was in a ruined state, and thus we contributed to launching actions for the renovation of the first and only Botanical Garden of PMF.


With great enthusiasm, PMF/Botanic Garden managed to secure a fund for the renovation of the garden, and that opened the way for us to renew our idea again – to dedicate ourselves to the educational concept that we had envisioned for the realization of educational creative workshops in Botanicka garden.